Eversave’s Best of 2013

This week, we’re bringing back some of our top Saves from 2013!  Resolve never to miss a great deal, and check out our 2013 chart-toppers.


Couponing 102: Taking savings to the next level


You’ve mastered the basics, and now you are ready to dive deep into the world of coupons.  These tips will take you to the next level to help save even more money.

  1. Sign up for a Sunday newspaper subscription.  In addition to printable coupons found online, you will find coupon inserts in your Sunday newspaper each week.  By signing up for a subscription, you don’t have to worry about remembering to buy the paper every Sunday. There also may be discounted subscriptions available to take advantage of in your area.  You can also ask friends and neighbors if they have newspapers or coupons they won’t be using.  The more coupons you have, the more you can save!
  2. Get organized! Once you start acquiring lots of coupons, you may not know what to do with them all! It is important to stay organized so that you know exactly where that specific coupon is when you need it for a deal. There are a few different ways to organize coupons, such as by category, by expiration date or alphabetically. You can keep them in a binder, an accordion file, or even a cute coupon clutch – it all depends on what works for you.
  3. Know how much products typically cost. Toothpaste may be on “sale” this week at one store, however, is it really the best deal? That sale price may be the retail price at another store. Keeping track of how much things cost at different stores will ensure you are really getting the best price.
  4. Look for coupons in the store. Periodically, you will find unexpected coupons in the store during your shopping trip that could potentially lead to a sweeter deal.  “Peelies” are coupons that are stuck to the physical product. Tip: We recommend taking the coupon off the product and handing it to the cashier so they don’t accidentally forget to scan it! “Blinkies” come out of the little machines located in the aisle, usually next to the product the discount is for. A “catalina” is a coupon that prints out at the register after your receipt. These are usually to use OYNO (on your next order, in coupon lingo).

Do you have any other couponing tips that have worked for you? Let us know in the comments!

Couponing 101: So you wanna be a couponer?


We all love saving money, and using coupons can help save a TON.  You may think couponing is too overwhelming or time-consuming, but you don’t have to be extreme to save your family money.  You only need to master a few basic steps and you will be stacking up the savings in no time!

1. Pick a store and get to know it – When first starting out, it is best to stick to one or two stores and learn everything you can about them.

  • Do they have a loyalty program? If so, join it. Some stores require a loyalty card in order to receive sale prices. Others reward shoppers with cash back or special coupons just for being loyalty members.
  • What is the coupon policy? Do they allow you to stack coupons (see step 2)? Do they double coupons? It’s a good idea to print out a copy of the store’s coupon policy just in case.  You never know if your cashier will be fully educated on the store policy.
  • Learn the layout.  You don’t want to be wandering around the store for an hour looking for the shampoo.  You will save time knowing exactly where everything is.

2. Stack coupons.  Most stores will allow you to use one store coupon one and manufacturer’s coupon per item.  A store coupon is put out by the retailer to entice customers to shop at their store over another.  A manufacturer’s coupon is developed by the product’s manufacturer and can be used at (almost) any store.  By pairing both types of coupons with a sale, you can score the item for cheap or possibly even free!

3. Read blogs:   Coupon blogs, like Hip2Save, are major time savers.  They put together the weekly deals and match-ups for each store with links to all the necessary coupons – all in one helpful place. You can also get tips, ideas and feedback from other couponers in the comments section.

4. Start shopping!  Like most things in life, practice makes perfect.  The final step is to get out there and try using coupons. After you score your first hot deal, you will feel like a pro!

Want to know more? Be sure to subscribe to our blog for even more couponing tips!

Do you have any couponing tips that have worked for you? Let us know in the comments!

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